5 Easy Reels Transitions TO BOOST YOUR IG GROWTH

✨ 5 EASY Ideas for Reels Transitions ✨

Listen, unless you’ve been totally living under a rock for the past six months, I don’t need to tell you how huge Instagram Reels have gotten! My guess is you’ve seen at least a few social media managers and growth coaches begging you to start posing them like crazy if you want the algorithm to start liking you more!!

It might be repetitive and redundant at times, but my friends, IT IS SO TRUE!! I cannot even tell you how true it is! When I started posting Reels regularly, I started seeing significant increases across ALL of my insights! Engagement, reach, followers…. they all started going up! There is a good reason for it too! The future of social media honestly lies in these short-form videos we are experiencing more and more lately. TikTok’s, reels, stories, etc… This is where most people are spending their time when they choose to go on social media, and now, different platforms are taking note of that and making them more accessible for us! And let’s be honest, we all know that IG loves it when we use their updates…. so the algorithm is going to reward those users who are making the effort to do so!

Now, let’s take this idea of short-form videos even one step further! I have found both on my own Reels, and other people’s that when you put even just a little bit of effort into making them look interesting and eye-catching, they perform even better! One SUPER easy to do this is with some fun transitions! Now don’t get me wrong, not all transitions are created equal. Some are SO tricky! But they don’t have to be overly complicated to be effective for our needs, so here are 5 extremely simple Reels or TikTok transition ideas for you to try out! Bear in mind, I’m not the best at transitions but I’ve had a lot of fun just trying to play around with them and I hope you like them too! Happy Reel making!!

(p.s. can you please use your imagination and pretend I was on the beat with the music lolll thx)



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reels tutorial instagram kelly fiance