I'm freakin' out!! I just listed my very first Creative Market product 💃🏼 It's 1am and I should probably be asleep, but I'm TOO EXCITED to share this beautiful (if I may say so myself...) marble texture pack.

if you're thinking "what the f is creative market???" Let me explain. It's an online shop for design assets like fonts, textures, photos, etc. If you're ever looking for the perfect handwritten font or pics for your blog click HERE to take a look.

back to the marble stuff - I've been obsessed with marble lately. Computer case, phone background, pinterest quotes.... I've been throwin' marble on errythang.

Sooo I decided to start working on my own marble textures. I wanted to create something a little more abstract, with gorgeous colors, that I could use to add a lil vibe to my designs. I came up with these 13 beauties, all a little different with cool blues, blush pinks, turquoise, & coral. They can totally work together as a set or be used individually.

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Can't wait to see what you create with your brand new marble!! ✨

xo Kelly

stay in touch! 👇
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