The last time I bought a new camera was about 8 years ago... so it was time for an upgrade. I decided on the Canon 5D Mark IV and even though it was a little pricey, I'M SO EXCITED!!! I took it out for a spin yesterday and the pics turned out so cool.

Can't wait to keep experimenting with it! If you're looking for a new camera - 10/10 would recommend. (and with this 50mm lens 👌)

Are you a photography beginner looking for a camera? The Canon Rebel line is a great starter cam. I've had the Rebel T2i for the past 8 years and it was always reliable.
The T7i is the newest in the Rebel fam, but if you're looking for a deal - the older models will probably work too. 


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Find out what I think of the Canon 5D Mark IV


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